About the Conference
This conference is in the primary algebraic research areas of Michael J. Larsen: Algebraic Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Group Theory. The talks will be aimed at a broad swath of algebraists at all levels. It is our hope to foster interactions across these areas in the spirit of Michael’s own body of work.
There will be a contributed talks session (20-30 minutes) for young mathematicians and a professional development workshop.
Invited Speakers
All talks will be in Rawles Hall. Room information will be published later.
Registration for Algebra 2022 and beyond.
Program / Schedule
Schedule and Abstracts
There will be full days of talks on Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4th. There will be a half day of talks on Sunday, June 5th ending around 1pm. There will be a banquet on the evening of Saturday, June 4th. Participants should plan on arriving on June 2nd and departing on June 5th.
Travel support
Funding from the National Science Foundation allows for a limited amount of travel support for graduate students and postdocs. If you would like to be considered for funding, please email your CV and a brief statement of interest by May 1, 2022. Also, please have an advisor or a mathematician familiar with your work submit a brief email recommendation.
Restaurant Suggestions
Bo-Hae Im - KAIST, Korea
Ravi Ramakrishna - Cornell U., USA
Pham Tiep - Rutgers U., USA
If you have any questions about the seminar, please email us.
World Health Situation:
Regarding the covid epidemic/pandemic, our intent is to hold an in-person conference. Current Indiana University guidelines require masking at indoor events. Participants will be expected to follow IU rules at the time of the conference.
This meeting is funded by the National Science Foundation. Additional funds have been provided by IU and the Journal of Number Theory and the Indiana University Mathematics Journal. It is organized in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute. We thank these organizations for their generous support.
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